Learn how to save $14,000 for every $100,000 in net profits for your company.
Joins us for a free 60-minute Zoom, and get a free Google Sheet with formulas!
Have you been in business for over 5 years, but expected more money in your pockets at this point in time?
I know the feeling. As the founder of two six-figure companies starting in 2007, sometimes patience is more than a virtue. It’s a necessity – especially when it comes to adding more net profits to your company’s bottom line.
In 2016, I started using a business growth formula that has helped me to personally save over $14k per year, and at the same time grow my companies to the point where they are scaling on their own.
It’s called the Profit Discovery Session.
This is a really simple, obvious solution, but not so simple to achieve. In order to save more money and grow your company, organization or cause — you need to raise your net profits.
Raising net profits is the only legitimate way to continue raising your own personal shareholder value, executive salary, or even an owner’s draw to take a long weekend and/or regroup with your family or friends.
Keeping it real doesn’t have to be as stressful. Try our new course for free:
The Profit Discovery Session
This is not a course for millionaires, or heirs to some ancient throne. It’s for business owners like you and me…in the trenches each week, aiming for a better future, and building a business that serves its clients well.
All we need to do — is go back to the business fundamentals. That’s where the Profit Discovery Session comes into play. And I’m going to teach it to you.
In this 60-minute introductory Zoom course, we’ll show you the fundamental steps of how to raise the value of your company, by reviewing each of the steps below on a regular basis:
- Cut Costs
- Market Dominating Position
- Scripts
- Policies & Procedures
- Trust, Expertise, Education
- Bundling
- Increase Purchase Frequency
- Down-sell
- Compelling Offer
- Reactivate Former Customers
- Referral Systems
- Drip Campaign
- Leads
- Initial Close Rate
- Publicity & PR
- Digital Marketing
- Follow-up Close Rate
- Increase Prices
As a bonus, I’ll be sending you a Google Sheet that has all the formulas I teach you, to show how much you’ll save in your business at each step of the way. There is no obligation.
After your first session, if you are interested in joining us for more Zoom sessions in the future, we offer very affordable monthly subscriptions, starting at just $19.95 per month, the cost of a Netflix subscription!
To get started, fill out the form below, and schedule an appointment online. There is no obligation to pay for this appointment.
We look forward to helping you grow your business, so that it lasts for many years to come. As my companies grow with you in tandem, we’ll be enjoying the view.